Did you know these blood sucking insects can remain frozen for a year and survive? Best known for spreading Bubonic plague, fleas transmit murine typhus from rats to humans and transfer tapeworm in pets. (yuck)
Flea infestations often come from a dog or cat, they grab to the animal when it's outside, and then infest its fur and the places it sleeps indoors- pet beds, rugs, bedding etc. Flea prevention for both the home and yard can be difficult for a homeowner. That is why calling in a professional is a good idea, because any pet owner is susceptible to a flea infestation.
Fleas seek a blood host - so once a flea or fleas become an issue in the home, they will bite and look for hosts. Their bites can create itchy swollen marks on the skin of their hosts. They are carriers of diseases, so it is important to remove these parasites from the home.